20 July 2007

Guidelines for emergency water and sanitation

Q: Do you know about any guidelines for emergency water treatment and safe sanitation facilities?
(Relief program manager, Germany)

Answer: A first step is the IRC page: Emergency water and sanitation resource materials. This page contains documents, links and fact-sheets on emergency water, sanitation and hygiene issues.

Then you could check the library database IRCDOC on ´emergency operations´

Additionally, you may want to take a look at the following sources:

  • UNICEF´s Emergency WES Resource Kit

  • Point of use water treatment in emergency and development settings
    [2.66 MB!] Presentation by Thomas Clasen of the LSHTM. Presented at the EEHF2007: Third Emergency Environmental Health Forum, 3-4 May 2007, Delft, The Netherlands.
    From slide 20 onwards he discusses recent Research in Household Water Treatment.
    Based on the results of a research on the level of effectiveness of different water treatment strategies, Thomas Clasen from LSHTM, presented the new approaches defined as highly effective. The presentation addressed the relationship between diarrhoeal diseases and water quality, by showing the results obtained after the application of strategies at source water level and household level. The results shown covered the direct impact of the spread disease reduction and the cost-benefit relationship.

Finally, you may want to discuss your ideas with experts -once you have some substantial info to share- on the water-and-san-applied-research mailing list.

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