16 May 2007

Training guideline for sanitation clubs in schools

Q: We are about to develop a training guideline on water, sanitation and
hygiene for environmental clubs in schools . We are wondering where to
get a copy for reference that we could use.
Sector professional, The Gambia

Answer: (by Annemarieke Mooijman)
For information on sanitation clubs, the following case studies might be of interest:

For hygiene education materials, there are several methodologies depending on where and how you want to use it.

A document which I recently purchased and which I would recommend is: Children for Health: children as partners in health promotion. See:
It is fairly cheap and can be purchased through TALC (Teaching-aids At Low Cost), a charity based in the UK.

Another option would be to use the materials used for CHAST in Somalia, see http://www.schools.watsan.net/page/326

More case studies and other information can be found on the WASH in schools website: http://www.schools.watsan.net

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