Training guideline for sanitation clubs in schools
Q: We are about to develop a training guideline on water, sanitation and
hygiene for environmental clubs in schools . We are wondering where to
get a copy for reference that we could use.
Sector professional, The Gambia
Answer: (by Annemarieke Mooijman)
For information on sanitation clubs, the following case studies might be of interest:
- Children’s health clubs in schools; opportunities and risks. Many school programs for water, sanitation and hygiene have organized special children’s groups. This paper discusses some of the benefits and risks of these school groups. (2006).
- India - The School Health Clubs Project in Kerala, by Snel, Marielle and Kochurani, Mathew (2004).
- Kenya - School Health Clubs: Can they change hygiene behaviours? By Snel, Marielle and Rop, Rosemary (2004).
A document which I recently purchased and which I would recommend is: Children for Health: children as partners in health promotion. See:
It is fairly cheap and can be purchased through TALC (Teaching-aids At Low Cost), a charity based in the UK.
Another option would be to use the materials used for CHAST in Somalia, see
More case studies and other information can be found on the WASH in schools website:
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