26 March 2007

Rainwater harvesting in Uganda

Q: Here we receive heavy rains for almost two-three months as it is rigth now, the season has just began and it covers almost the alll country. But no way of reserving this water for the dry season.
(Teacher in secondary school, Uganda)

Answer: On our IRC website you will find information on rainwater harvesting and links to websites and documents at http://www.irc.nl/page/14666

The following organisations may have more specific information on the situation in your region.

The Uganda Rainwater Association (URWA)
Plot 27, Room 203
Clement Hill Road,
P o. Box 34209,
Tel No: 256-41-340201
Email: urwa@infocom.co.ug, urwa@searnet.org


SEARNET (Southern and Eastern Africa Rainwater Network) Global Water Partnership - Associated Programme ICRAF House, UN avenue, Gigiri P. O. Box 30677, Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Tel: (+254 20) 722 44 00 / 722 44 24
Fax: (+254 20) 722 40 01
E-mail: searnet@cgiar.org


The One World Africa website: http://africa.oneworld.net/guides/water/harvesting

I hope this information will be useful.

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