23 November 2006

The right to water

Q: Do you know where I can find more around right based approach? (various times mentioned in papers, but I am not sure where it stands for.

A good intro to rights-based approaches can be found at: http://www.keysheets.org/red_18_rights_based_approaches.html

Specifically for water see:

WHO -Geneva, CH (2003). The right to water. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization (WHO).
Availability: Downloadable document: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/en/rtwrev.pdf

There are several sites on the right to water:
WWC - http://www.worldwatercouncil.org/index.php?id=705
http://www.righttowater.org.uk/ see especially - http://www.righttowater.org.uk/code/HR_approach.asp

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