06 December 2006

Matching funds in the water and sanitation sector

Q: I am working on the evaluation of water projects. Is there any information available on the use of matching funds in the watsan sector?
Sector professional, Italy

Answer: In our Source Water and Sanitation News Service I have found the following articles:

There are a few articles mentioning matching funds on our IRC web site:

For general background on financing trends in the water sector see:

Islam and water

Q: I am looking for publications and articles on Islam and water. Can you help me?
Sector professional of Concern Worldwide, Ireland

Answer: I have found the following references in our database IRCDOC on this topic:

Biswas, A.K. (ed.); Faruqui, N.I. (ed.) and Bino, M.J. (ed.) (2001). Water management in Islam. (Water resources management and policy / United Nations University). Tokyo, Japan, United Nations University Press; Ottawa, Ont, Canada, International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Khayat, M.H. (1997). Environmental health : an Islamic perspective. (The right path to health : health education through religion; no. 7). Alexandria, Egypt, World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.

Al-Sheikh, A.F. (1996). Water and sanitation in Islam. (The right path to health : health education through religion; no. 2). Alexandria, Egypt, World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.

I also came across this paper:
S. Atallah, M.Z. Ali Khan and M. Malkawi (1999). Water conservation through Islamic public awareness in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. Volume 5, Issue 4, 1999, Page 785-797

You might also find more information on the World Water Day 2006 web site on Water and Culture